Certification Of Environmental Management Executive

The “Environmental Management executive” scheme comes to meet the evolving needs of companies operating in areas related to environmental management. In order to cover the wide range of new requirements, based on the analysis of the most critical areas of knowledge, skills and abilities that arise, the following specializations (templates) will be developed:

a. Waste and Materials Management and Recycling Technician
b. Environmental Protection Systems Management and Control Technician
c. Organizer of Recycling and Public Awareness Programs Organization
The “Environmental Management Officer” Certification scheme provides for a defined examination process for candidates. The examination process consists of:

Evaluation of Written Examinations

The examination process consists of 30 closed-ended questions and the candidate is obliged to choose the correct answer. The questions are based on the subject matter per sentence and lasts 60 minutes.
The set of questions is based on the existing syllabus per syllabus and covers the entire curriculum, in relation to the knowledge, skills and competencies that the candidate should demonstrate. The candidate who obtains at least 70% of the maximum score is considered successful.

Conditions for participation

Formal Academic Qualifications

Applicants wishing to be certified as an “Environmental Management Officer” in the framework of the procedures according to ISO / IEC 17024, must have at least the following qualifications:
• Graduates of Compulsory and Secondary education
• Graduates of Higher Education Institutions or abroad
• Graduates of Technological Educational Institutions or corresponding institutions abroad

General knowledge

✔ Greek Language
✔ Basic Computer Skills
✔ Knowledge of a Second Language (considered an additional qualification)
✔ General Skills (Generic Skills)

Applicants should have enhanced social skills, such as ease of communication, education and polite behavior. They need to have a good level of general knowledge in order to effectively manage their prospective clients and develop a spirit of collaboration and professionalism with their colleagues and bosses in the workplace.

Generic Skills

Candidates should have enhanced social skills, such as communication skills, education and polite behavior. They should have a good level of general knowledge in order to effectively manage environmental issues and develop a spirit of cooperation and professionalism with their colleagues and supervisors in the workplace.

The Hellenic Institute of Certifications – HEL.I.C. has developed a Quality Management System, in accordance with the requirements of the International Standards ELOT EN ISO 9001/2008 and ELOT EN ISO / IEC 17024: 2012, in order for the certification process to be implemented with documented adequacy, impartiality, objectivity, reliability and validity.

Accredited certificate from the National Accreditation System – Ε.ΣΥ.Δ.